National Championship swimmer Riley gains uh also uh with out kick joins us here on the blaze it’s good to have you Riley back on the program how you were well I have been great it is so good to be on with you guys so thank you for having me there is a there’s a lot going on in the arena that you are fighting and battling in right now let’s start where there’s some crossover to our show because uh you’re a part of uh the same lawsuit that my assistant Todd his daughter uh Angley who is a
decorated athlete now she’s on a double scholarship at the University of Arkansas a group of female athletes now suing the NCAA saying hey you’re violating Title 9 by not defending uh women’s sports and allowing biological men to compete in them uh tell us why you decided to help spearhead this effort and ultimately what is what what you want the NCAA to to now do in response well let me just say I could not be more proud of the other athletes uh of course myself and 15 other athletes who have signed on to this
lawsuit uh Todd ‘s daughter anley being included she’s someone who I look up to she’s incredible a two sport athlete in college that’s that’s unheard of so she’s just amazing and certainly a role model for me but look what what we’re what we’re suing over is the NCAA explicitly and directly violating the federal civil rights law that is Title 9 of course Title 9 is the law enacted back in 1972 so 52 years since its implementation uh that prevents discrimination on the basis of sex uh
much broader than just women sports but but most notably known for giving the opportunities uh for women to compete at the same level as men uh especially at the Collegiate level but what the NCAA has done and continues to do is do just that I mean they’re discriminating against us on the basis of our sex they’re failing at their most basic duties of ensuring equal opportunity insur safety in our Sports and ensuring privacy in areas of undressing and so I’ll tell you for so long I thought to myself you know it seemed pretty black
and white to me someone you know someone should sue it’s what the other side does so well and II just kept thinking well who’s going to and finally it was like God tapping mе оn my shoulder and he’s like hey Riley it’s you um of course along with these other athletes and so um ultimately what we’re looking for here to answer your question of what we want the Ina to do is one accountability two responsibility and three to uphold title 9’s original intent uh very basic it’s it’s not you
know it seems as if we’re really demanding the bare minimum here the bare mіnіmum is a is a tough Hill to climb in the current culture on multiple fronts but you were boosted recently the Nia for people that do not know kind of the nuances in inner workings of Collegian sports that would be more you know your smaller lower level and in terms of lower level we just mean in terms of attendance uh in the size of the school and the budget of the athletic department so lower level of competition but yet they are a
sanctioned Collegian Association they have national championships they get uh televised as well uh they came out recently and said hey we’re we’re not going to participate in this Insanity have you guys attorneys indicated whether that is a boost to your claims or your case or not Riley it is certainly something that helps the lawsuit uh look what we I mean what we’ve known throughout history is that courage gets courage uh and so the niia voting overwhelmingly in support and a 25 to nothing vote to prevent men from
competing in women’s sports and vice versa this is huge um it’s it’s sad that it takes kind of like the little guy here uh the little guy to do the right thing for the bigger guys to to hopefully find the courage and the backbone uh and the morals that for so long they have lacked that ultimately put us in the position that we’re at but I believe it sets the predent uh so it’s great for the great lawsuits for the courts to have something to resort to and I’m hopeful I’ve been naive before I want to
say I’m confident that the NCAA will do the right thing uh but I do not know if I’m confident yet but I hopeful that they do I know they want to that that’s the bottom line here I know the Ana I think they’re excited about our lawsuit to be totally honest with you they want to be able to say their hands are tied you know there’s nothing we can do that’s what they’ve done so far that’s what they want to continue doing I think they ‘re thrilled that states are taking
this up now 24 states have enacted some sort of fairness and woman Sports law I think the NCAA loves that it takes the responsibility away from them so I think the same is true with the Nia um and passing you know this new ruling that prevents men from competing in women sports I think the NCAA hopefully will follow suit Riley you read my mind because you literally just said what was going to be the premise of my next question as a guy that came out of the Sports Talk world and still follows Sports pretty closely for fun in my
private life very well aware of what’s going on with the NC now on multiple fronts when it comes to nil and paying players and everything else and uh there’s now a politician literal politician in charge of the NCA former Massachusetts Republican Governor Charlie Baker and even though he’s a Massachusetts Republican which frankly means he’s not very Republican for for for what the for what typically is in charge of the NCAA he’s a till of the hunt okay and and it does strike me at their silence here did strike me as a
huge poit this is a Classic rhino Republic in play I don’t have the testicular fortitude to do what my what what must be done so let me just sit back and hopefully and hopefully there’ll be some organic outrage that will correct this situation so like pontious pilot I can wash my hands of it and say it wasn’t me I did I did not render this ruling uh it’s just what the courts or somebody have spoken we have I have watched longer than you’ve been alive girl I watched Republicans do this okay and and this seems like a
classic Republican Party play where secretly he’ll never say this to you know the National College writer at ESPN who thinks that you know uh that anything can be a girl in compete but privately I do bet you he’s ecstatic you all did this hoping that the that the system will force his hand so he gets to claim I I’m not the bigot here I just was doing what the courts demanded after all of course of course he is um and to your point uh and being inundated with um requests and emails and and different
things understand it is our job as everyday people as parents of female athletes as female athletes ourselves as medical professionals as fathers I mean the list goes on it’s our job to hold our leaders accountable we would be I mean if we waited for people to do the right thing especially our leaders unprovoked we would be waiting for forever it’s up to us to hold their feet to the fire and again like I said previously it’s what the other side does so well they threaten lawsuits they pursue these lawsuits uh so it’s time
that we do the same thing not I mean yes in terms of litigation certainly that’s an area to fight back but just letting your voice be heard uh the NCAA I will say that I believe in the next few weeks uh less than the next two weeks they will be be voting on their rules just like the па піia just did um inundate them the Board of Governors with emails there’s even templates out there you can go to IW uh network.
org and there’s templates there’s a way to send out blast an email to all the Board of Governors they make it super easy for you again that is necessary that we do that um Charlie Baker he even sat in front of the Senate uh Josh Holly senator began asking him questions the hearing was actually on nil but he he started pressing him on this issue he asked him seven questions in a row that Charlie Baker said well III do not have an answer for you okay well what about the locker room president Baker you know what is that policy look like as it
stands today well let me get back to you in writing Senator Holly seven questions in a row that to tell you that to really show you highlight how our our leaders whether that’s in the NCAA whether that’s Corporate America whether that’s uh the media our government people I mean the people in the white house right now the very tippy top they are weak need they are spineless they are morally bankrupt cowards amen all right last thing I want to ask you about if you do not mind I want to get kind of personal with you
for a second as someone that II I’m guessing three four years ago this was not your life plan right I mean you’re successful you’re a champion you’re going to go to dental school um you know probably become some form of of spokeswoman uh commentator on a sport that you’ve been excellent at just you had a different a completely different life plan and then this intervenes and conviction as you talked about earlier intervenes as well and now you’re on this path and on a daily basis when you
see stuff like uh one day the Supreme Court says uh with the Idaho ruling yeah you can enforce that What’s Happening Here what they’re doing here is immoral don’t continue uh to uh permit it and then then you know the very next day another Court in the West Virginia district comes out and says actually you know we’re going to make sure that’s exactly what the Supreme Court means so your head’s on a swivel going back and forth we’re in National Championship season right now for spring
Sports and we’re going to see and we’re already seeing again another wave of Leah Thomas wannabes uh you know and and and what they’re doing uh to female athletes and really just femininity as a general principle this is just the vehicle for it just you know what keeps you going what what a Your Plum line and and and how do you avoid getting discouraged a couple things um specifically to answer how I avoid getting discouraged uh because look the battle has already been won that’s the most beautiful the most beautiful piece about
about not just this issue but I mean all of the cultural issues that we’re seeing all of um this world as we know it we know what the outcome is because the Bible tells us what the outcome is uh so of course having Security in the fact that I’m standing for objective Truth uh the most basic of objective Truth at that man and woman that makes it easy biological reality but what makes it even easier than that is I’m standing for biblical truth um that is before anything I want to live a Christlike
life uh and standing for how God created us perfect and intentionally In His Image I’m doing just that uh so so that is certainly what what keeps me from being discouraged is the security there but not to mention I have a little sister uh she’s 15 years old she’s an elite level gymnast she’s incredible she will go on to do amazing things uh compete hopefully at the University of Kentucky uh certainly staying in the SEC you guys up there where you are you do not know competition till you come
down to the SEC uh so hopefully my little sister uh she I’m certain will do that you know being married married for nearly two years coming up on my 2-year anniversary I can only hope to have a daughter of my own one day and I do not know how I as a future mother as a as an older sister to a younger one I do not know how I could look myself in the mirror and be proud of myself having experienced what we did facing what we faced and not standing up for them that’s what all this is about it’s not
about me I’m not vying to be some sort of politician are you crazy who in their right Minds would do that I’m certainly not not vying to climb the ladder there or to have this gig on Fox news or whatever it is that that that’s not what I’m fighting for what I’m fighting for is my younger sister’s future that’s what this is about that’s an awesome answer all right I want to make sure we get some action points from you before we let you go you gave out a website a minute ago where
people саn gо and take part in applying uh let’s call it uh encouragement aggressive encouragement upon the NCA Board of Governors what was that website again give that one out if you don’t mind yes you can check it out at that stands for Independent Women’s Forum uh I believe it’s also on IW Network which is Independent Women’s network uh they’ve got a very easy easy way to be able to uh send out aa you can customize it how you wish personalize it how you wish but an easy way to send out an email to the NCAA
Board of Governors which is again necessary crucial and urgent that we do that all right so everybody everybody right now go to iwf for Independent Women’s Forum f is in Frank iwf right now fill out that form take five minutes out of your day fill that thing out and uh and and that’s one action point item you can do uh to apply some pressure here you’ve got a new book coming out swimming against the current fighting for common sense in a world that’s lost its mind people can pre-order the book
right nоw оп Аmazon and it’s coming out May 21st anything else real quick you want to say about that you got it um super fun to be involved in that process of course it’s aa much deeper dive into what uh myself and again girls around the country really around really around the world continue to face in terms of the unfair competition being non-consensually exploited in lock rooms uh the silencing that we Face even uh so again that’s called swimming against the current it’s available for pre-or you
can look it up on Amazon wherever you get your book super fun process and then last thing before we let you go real quick make sure people know you’ve got your own show there on outkick how can they tune in and find you yes I’ve got a podcast with outkick it is called gains for girls um also fun to be on the other side uh of these interviews you know talking to policy experts and and World leading scientists and of course people who have been adversely impacted at the hands of this movement uh so lots
of lots of fun things going on over there that’s called gains for girls you can check out anywhere where you get your podcast excellent stuff finish the race Riley you are running it finish the race you’re setting the example you’re setting the example thank you so much I’m swimming it thank you so much all right yes you’re swimming it you’re right thank you my bad