According to a source who knows but doesn’t want their name circulated, yes. Not only did Meghan throw a maid into a pool, she was elderly, and when Tyler Perry heard about it he was incensed! This was his staff Meghan was mistreating (notice the pattern?), and not her own staff; not that Meg is ever entitled to mistreat anyone for any reason ever.


We do know Tyler Perry told Oprah to get them out of the house immediately, and Perry was not in town at the time, so Oprah had to move the couple into one of her own guest cottages. Tyler Perry treats his staff very well, as most people do, and he couldn’t stand to see Meghan being cruel and hurting people he cared for. We know that the Palace looked into bullying claims against Meghan, and while we’ll likely never know the results, the fact that Meghan hasn’t sued the Palace speaks volumes.

(Australia tour. Notice how they are not standing close to Meghan. Telling. She wanted them to get out and live elsewhere during her spa days (Jess Mulroney came along for the vacation) tour of Australia, and she told the Governor General’s wife that she, Meghan, wanted to live in the whole house. Not just a wing! How utterly rude.)

I almost walked into traffic': Tyler Perry describes getting a cold call  from Oprah Winfrey | CNN

Meghan did treat not only her staff horribly, but she bullied Catherine’s staff, and even the Queen had a word with Meghan, telling her not to yell at her aides. Why didn’t a Communications major at university know how to effectively speak to and with people who worked for her? Moreover, why didn’t her husband stand up to her bullying methods and tell Meghan, ‘no’? Because she isn’t intelligent, so she didn’t learn at university, and she also must bully her husband if he cannot tell her how royal workers are treated and hold his wife to it.

Oprah Winfrey presents her fellow billionaire 'brother' Tyler Perry with  Governors Award at Emmys | Daily Mail Online

We can read much of the truth from what we ourselves have seen and read. Meghan Markle is a terrible bully. 5:00 a.m. texts do not issue forth from the Queen’s iPhone, and yet this little duchess who mattered little in the history of this storied monarchy thought her importance equaled that of the Queen. And she yelled, intimidated and screamed at Angela Kelly. How dumb! How awful!